The Emergency Access Password was put in place so that in an emergency situation a user who could normally only see patients on their caseload could temporarily be allowed to see every patient record in SMART in any program they already have privileges in. The privilege that allows users to see patients other then their assigned patients is “Can Override Caseload Security”. This temporary privilege is granted for the duration of the user session where the password was entered. Once a password is set the ‘Emergency Access’ button will be visible to any user who does not have the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege in any program. It can be found in the Administration module (Gears). The Emergency Access Password does not grant users any additional privileges in a program and it does not give them the privilege to see patients in a program they do not already have access to. Only users who do not have the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege in any program will be able to use the Emergency Access Password.
Setting the Emergency Access Password
The Emergency Access password is configured in the Administration module (Gears), on the Controls 3 tab of the Clinic Settings. A user must be a System Administrator in order to configure the setting. The password is encrypted before being stored in our database and there is no way for SMART to retrieve the password if it is forgotten. Therefore is it up to the System Administrator to remember the password so that it can be used in an emergency. If the password is forgotten then the System Administrator will need to set a new Emergency Access password.
Using the Emergency Access Password
In an emergency situation a user who does not have the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege in any program would navigate to the Administration module where they would see the “Emergency Access Password” button under the Medicating section. Depending on what privileges the user has they may need to scroll down on this screen to see the Medicating section. In multi-program sites, users who have the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege in any program would not see the “Emergency Access Password” button. A user without the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege in any program will not see the Emergency Access button if an Emergency Access password has not been set in the clinic.
Clicking the Emergency Access button and entering the correct password will temporarily give the user the “Can Override Caseload Security” privilege. The user will receive a confirmation message upon entering the correct password.
A user without “Can Override Caseload Security” will not see the Emergency Access button if an Emergency Access password has not been set in the clinic.
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