Feature Enhancements
S2K - 3146 |
Adds program tabs to the Holiday Information Management Screen, allowing holidays to be scheduled at the site/program level without impacting the entire clinic. For more information, see Apply Holiday Schedules at the Program Level – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3189 |
Users now have the option to retire and unretire service types on the Service Type Information Management screen. For more information, see Retire or Unretire a Service Type – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K -3199 | Adds an optional Job Title field to the User Information Management screen. |
S2K - 3223 | Updates the Patient Finder to add Central Registry ID to the list of accepted search criteria. |
S2K - 3236 | Adds a new Hide Retired Forms checkbox to the Forms tab on the SMART System Settings screen. This setting is available for system administrators only. |
S2K - 3238 |
Updates the Change User Information Management screen with the following changes:
For more information, see Enable Physician Assistant Order Privileges – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 2881 | Prevents users from entering alerts for programs that a patient isn’t active in. Additionally, administrators can now see and clear an alert for a program a patient is no longer active in (if the patient is transferred, for example). |
S2K - 3198 |
Adds a setting that displays AWOL alerts when a dispensary opens on a closed day. For more information, see Display AWOL Alerts When Dispensary Opens on Closed Day – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K -2194
Removes the Billing Provider Secondary ID from the New Jersey 837-5010P EDI claim file. This change ensures claim files are HIPAA compliant. |
S2K - 2890 |
Adds a new setting that allows hyphens to be included in the subscriber/patient last names in patient claims. For more information, see Display Hyphens in Subscriber/Patient's Last Name on Generated Claims – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K -3105 |
Adds new settings to automatically credit contractual obligations received in the 835 payment file. For more information, see Automatically Credit Sales Allowance on Electronic Payment Posting – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3221 |
Users can now configure Billable Services to require a referral so that patient referral information is included in 837-5010-P claim files. For more information, see Include Referral Numbers for Specific Services in 837-5010-P Claims – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3225 |
Adds a required Program field to the Carrier Credit Entry screen. For more information, see Enter an Insurance Credit – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3226 |
Adds a required Program field to the Patient Credit Entry screen. For more information, see Adjust an Invoice with a Credit – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3227 |
Makes Program selection required on the Carrier Payment Entry screen. For more information, see Manually Enter an Insurance Payment – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3228 | Adds a Program ID column to the Apply Open Credits and Payments Screen. All payments and credits will display even if they do not have a Program assigned. |
S2K - 3262 |
Adds the ability to clone Bundle Billable Services. For more information, see Clone Bundle Billable Services – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3263 |
Adds the ability to clone Fee for Service Billable Services. For more information, see Clone Fee for Service Billable Services – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 2341 | Adds a date range search option to the Unfinished Notes tab. Previously, only two years of note history were visible on this tab. |
S2K - 3224 | An optional Reason field now appears on the Master Problem Information screen for a Treatment Plan when the selected status is Referred Out. |
S2K -3298 | For Delaware clinics, updates transfer episodes to display the Admission Date as the date the transfer occurred. |
S2K - 3215 | Adds a new Methadone Inventory Shipment Details report. For more information, see Methadone Inventory Shipment Details Report – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3279 | Adds a new Alphabetical Listing by Medication Order Report. For more information, see Alphabetical Listing by Medication Order Report – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 3339 | Updates the Dosing Summary Report By Carrier to display all Takehome dose types, excluding Travel doses, in the Takehome column. For more information, see What is the Dosing Summary Report By Carrier? – Netalytics (zendesk.com) |
S2K - 2869 | Adds a new Lookup Table called TrackerReferredBy where users can Add, Edit, and Retire answers displayed in the How did you hear about us? dropdown on the Record Contact screen. |
Resolved Issues
S2K - 3218 | Resolves an issue that, when saving changes made through the Edit/Correct Episodes administrative setting, was causing a failure message to appear even though the changes saved successfully. |
S2K - 3232 | Resolves an issue that was causing the SMART software to occasionally freeze after processing 835 payment files. |
S2K - 3256 |
Resolves an issue that, when selecting a program and running the preliminary Cash Receipts Journal during End of Day Processing, was causing the displayed program(s) and associated payments to differ from the selected program. |
S2K - 3280 | Resolves an issue where Bundle Billable Services were not being marked as non-billable after the timely filing deadline had passed. |
S2K - 3115 | Resolves an issue where, when a patient was readmitted/reinstated and their payment was saved, the patient’s status was reverting to discharged/suspended. |
S2K - 3266 | Resolves an issue that was preventing newly added dispensaries from being used in SMART. |
S2K - 3280 | Resolves an issue that, when the Show Preferred Name & Pronoun clinic setting was enabled, was causing the buttons on the Enter New Script screen to overlap and become unusable. |
S2K - 3230 | MADPH - Resolves an issue where creating an internal patient transfer was incorrectly triggering an A03 discharge message. |
S2K - 3277 |
MADPH - Resolves an issue that, when selecting Finish Later on a MTQAS Admission and then returning later to complete and save the admission, was causing a data save failed error. Additionally, this also resolves an issue that was causing an error when attempting to print MTQAS Admission, Discharge, and Periodic services. |
S2K - 3246 | Resolves an issue that was causing the wrong value to show in the # Days AWOL column of the Counselor Report in some scenarios. |
S2K - 3290 | On the Length of Stay Summary report, the “Less than 30 days” category now reads “<= 30 Days”. |
S2K - 3294 | Resolves an issue that, when printing a patient’s 822 Treatment Plan with Voided Problems, was creating duplicate pages showing DSM Diagnosis codes. |
S2K - 3300 |
Resolves an issue that was causing incorrect patient medicated times to appear on the Patient Check-In report. |
Download and unzip the attached folder to view the changelogs (in .xml format) associated with the SMART 4.6.15 release.
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